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Masturbation is a common and healthy method of sexual expression, but it may also become unhealthy and troublesome if it is done excessively. It takes dedication to cut back or quit masturbating. It is always advisable to consult a professional if you think that your obsessive or problematic masturbation habits have gotten out of control.

When Does Masturbation Turn Into An Issue?

Masturbation is a normal, beneficial behaviour. Masturbating three to five times a week is considered normal, however some people may do it every day.1. Masturbation turns into a problem, though, when it persists to the point of obsessive thoughts and actions, interferes with other tasks, negatively affects mental health, and becomes physically uncomfortable.

Many people worldwide suffer from compulsive masturbation, even if the existence of masturbation addiction is still up for debate.

Symptoms of excessive masturbation include:

  • It consumes a lot of your time and energy to masturbate.
  • Masturbation ruins one's life at home, at work, or in social situations.
  • Missing events, arriving late for meetings, or leaving early from social engagements in order to masturbate.
  • Masturbating insensitively or in public because it "can't wait"
  • Even when not aroused or "horny," masturbating.
  • Masturbating as a coping mechanism for unpleasant feelings such as stress, worry, rage, or unhappiness.
  • Sensation of guilt, anguish, or agitation following a masturbation.
  • Making love even though you don't want to.
  • Constantly thinking of self-mutilation.
Adverse Effects of Overindulging in Masturbation.

Overindulgence in masturbation can result in interpersonal and personal problems that are distressing on a social, mental, and physical level. The behaviour of excessive masturbation develops gradually, and many people who deal with it aspire to quit. Addiction disorders, diagnose mental health conditions, and other life challenges frequently co-occur with compulsive masturbating.

Negative effects of excessive, compulsive, or persistent masturbation include:

  • Rashes on skin.
  • Edoema (plumpness).
  • lack of communication with a sexual partner.
  • Social isolation .
  • Prolonged exposure to pornographic material .
  • Ignorance of crucial responsibilities in life (e.g., parenting, working, going to school).
  • Disinterest in once-enjoyed activities.
  • Tensile.
  • Decreased self-worth.
  • Feelings of shame or guilt.
  • Anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.
  • Possibility of illness or bodily injury from inappropriate use and upkeep of sex toys.
  • Possibility of legal problems if discovered masturbating in public or other forbidden areas. 
  • Possibility of addiction to masturbation.
Some Tips on How to Quit Masturbating

Thankfully, there are several of strategies for resisting the need to masturbate. While some strategies are more effective than others, the most crucial element is the desire to make a difference. The more approaches you take to solving the issue, the more likely it is that the intended change will take place.

If you wish to quit masturbating, try these suggestions:

1. Discuss It With Your Love Partner or Other Relatives You Can Trust 
Speaking candidly with a love partner or another person you can trust about problematic masturbating might be beneficial. These people could assist you in tracking your development and offer emotional support. Though talking about it can be awkward and taboo, everyone you talk to has probably engaged in some form of masturbation. It might be relieving in and of itself to no longer feel alone.

Regarding masturbation, you and your romantic partner should also agree. Whatever its form, physical closeness is a necessary component of any partnership. Maybe there's something missing from the partnership. In other situations, it might be a problem with performance anxiety or other unfavourable feelings and ideas. In any event, the first step towards bringing about change is frequently to address the underlying reason. Sex therapy can assist in moving forward, whether one is using it alone or in a partnership.

2. Pay Attention to Your Partner(s)
Every relationship has a different definition of intimacy, but it's good for both parties to explore one other's boundaries. Openly talk about your needs, wants, and preferences with your spouse or collectively. Next, work out a compromise. From there, continue the habit by adding to it or even attempting new things. This promotes camaraderie, is enjoyable, healthful, and deters masturbation.

3. Decrease Alone Time
Although it can be done in groups or in partnerships, masturbation is typically done alone. You have more opportunity to masturbate the more time you spend by yourself. Restricting time in isolation limits these chances.

4. Give Up Pornography
A lot of individuals view porn and then masturbate. If this is your condition, it might be time to give up watching porn. Pornography's strength lies in its ability to stimulate the pleasure pathway while indulging in a dreamlike state of ecstasy that comes from nature.4. Although it is taboo to discuss pornography in public, new figures show that there is a significant demand for it, particularly online (which could cause problems in your relationship if your partner views porn as adultery).

Using blockers on explicit websites, purposefully avoiding them, and using the internet in public areas where such activity is forbidden are some strategies to quit watching porn. Among other things, participating in and watching more porn may put you at risk for developing a porn addiction.

6. Restrict Access to Sexual Toys
Toys for sex can be triggers. You could be having a "better" time when you see them. Eliminating them is another method to develop your relapse prevention strategy and reduce the number of reminders you receive because temptations like these can progressively lead to a return to previous behaviour.

7. Consider religion
Different religious traditions have differing perspectives on masturbation. Masturbation might be regarded as acceptable, inappropriate, or outright prohibited. If this applies to you, consider how your faith views masturbation. You can do this by yourself, with help from others, or even by having a conversation with a reputable religious figure. If you experience difficulties or feelings of humiliation because of your faith, you might want to see a specialist. Professionals who are culturally sensitive can support you in resolving any issues within the framework of your religion. It's good for your mental and spiritual well-being.

You are not alone if you suffer with masturbation, despite the fact that it can evoke unpleasant feelings and thoughts. Taking action as soon as feasible is the best course of action. Try some of the advice offered in this article while getting the proper assistance if you feel that anything in it applies to you or a loved one.

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