Dear young teenage girl and young adults, you're in your 17-25 years.
Beautiful and attractive and jobless.
Avoid dating internet fråûdsters and those who take every lady out to just to play.
Avoid dating sugar daddies.
These people will introduce you to a life style you can't maintain on your own when they're gone.
They will expose you to a luxurious lifestyle of reckless spending that you can't afford or your parents can't afford.
When they're gone, you won't love to go back to trenches or being broke which will lead most of you to doing some negative stuff just to maintain such life.
Not just that but the relationship will never be void of séxúal act, at times a couple with so many abórtîons. Don't be too comfortable dating someone whose *source of wealth isn't just by stéãling but by deceit* .
Don't rush to feel among to have a feel good effect.
Don't be so much interested in material things as a teenager who is growing.
Yes, all your friends are dating a these men and they're living fine. But, you might not be lucky like them.
We don't want to shout justice for anyone too.
Contentment as a teenager or a young adult should be your most cherished virtue...
May the creator of the universe be with you.
Source: Facebook
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